We are proud to provide support programs to those in need. Our programs are available on a quarterly basis. Through each program we offer, we provide support for a variety of processes. We focus on education for professional development, however. These programs cover:

  • How to create a resume.

Understanding how to create a resume can empower someone to secure the job they’ve been dreaming of or open them up to new opportunities.

  • Face-to-Face Interview Tips

Nailing an interview can be the difference between poverty and affluence. We offer programs that provide professional and practical tips on how to ace an interview in today’s competitive job market.

  • Starting A Business

New businesses breathe life into communities. We provide programs that show individuals how to successfully start their own business.

  • How to Secure Funding

Whether they hope to launch a startup or a storefront, we examine the steps of securing funding, improving their odds of success in the process.